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モットー(Motto & Goal )


We, English House, or Eigokan, aspire to serve 'Promotion of International Cultural Exchange and that of World's Peace and Friendship' by practicing our Motto 'Impressive Service offered with Ardor and Sincerity'

英語館  代表 田中 雅章

大阪万博(1970年)直後の高度成長期に、大阪市の外資系製薬会社の翻訳(和英) トランスレーター見習として社会人デビュー。東京の機械メーカーでの輸出営業 (北米、オセアニア担当)を経て、1980年代初頭の輸出拡大期に大阪市の商社に 転勤、中近東むけ機械輸出部門に所属、カイロ駐在(4年)、アテネ所長(7年)を経て 大阪本社に帰属後、中国、東南アジア、米国との輸出入取引に従事、国際交流経験に 恵まれた。またこの間、各国訛の英語も経験学習。
2007年秋に定年退社、 2008年春、通訳案内士試験合格を機に英語館を創設。

家庭には妻、得子と猫二匹、ミー(雄11歳)とター(雌10歳)がいる。 趣味は、旅行(最近は特に温泉巡り)、古美術・古典芸能(特に能楽)鑑賞。ゴルフは 年に1-2回(いつも100が目標)。読書は日本語起源関係、司馬遼太郎の エッセイ、時折、「ダビンチコード」「ゲームの達人」等のミステリーロマン系の原書を読む。 
英語以外の 外国語としては、趣味的に広く浅くかじったが忘れたものがほとんど。 商社マン時代は 多少の仏語とカタコトに毛の生えたアラビア語を覚えた。中国語と韓国語は勉強中。
晩酌に日本酒とビールを少々、健康を考えて週一の休肝日を期すがなかなか守れない。 家族ともに阪神ファン、年に1-2度甲子園に出かける。


所属 日本観光通訳協会(JGA),日本語語源研究会、京都地名研究会
訳書(共訳) 「歌 麿」 菊池貞夫著 (保育社カラーブックス)
小論文 日本語語源研究会発刊の「語源研究」誌の43号、44号、45号、46号に以下を掲載。
資格 通訳案内士(英語)登録番号 EN-00323
実用英語検定一級取得 (昭和56年度前期)

English House President  Masaaki TANAKA

Work carrier and personal profile of TANAKA Masaaki, President of English House (Eigokan) are summarized here :

Work Carrier :
Born in September 1947 in Kyoto City. Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University (B.A in Economics).
Started work carrier as asst. translator (Japanese to English) in a Osaka based German pharmaceutical firm around the time that followed immediately after World Exposition in Osaka 1970, the beginning year of Japan's Great Economic Growth.
In after a few years, I joined a sewing machine manufacturer in Tokyo to take a position in its export department as sub-manager responsible for North American and Oceanian markets.

In early 1980s, moved back in Osaka to join a trading house and took an assignment in charge of machinery and equipment export to the Middle East countries, it was, just at the time when Japan was taking off toward the royal path to the world's richest and largest exporting country ; shontly afterward, transferred to the Cairo liaison office (Egypt) 1983-1987, then to the Athens office as its head 1987-1994, during which years I could build up business and cultural experience with the Middle Eastern people through the constant contacts and frequented visits to their home countries.
On returning back in the company's head office in Osaka, I was engaged in importing consumers' goods from the USA and China for domestic distribution while exporting Japanese- make products to Southeast Asian countries.
All through the years said above, I could have chances to practice English, including experience in the accents of non-native English speakers.

Retired from the trading company for completion of the age in autumn of 2007, I founded the English House (Eigokan) in spring of 2008, taking the chance of becoming qualified for National Licensed (English) Guide, which was granted following the success in the state run English Guide Test held recently.

Personal Profile :
Tokuko, my wife and two cats, Mee (male, 11 years) and Tah (female 10 years) are my three friends at home.
Hobbies include Travelling (recently, mostly for hot spa visits), Appreciating Old Fine Art Objects (paintings, sculptures, Buddha images), Appreciating Classical Theatrical Plays (especially, Noh Play), Golfing (always 100 as scoring target), Reading books especially about origin of Japanese language, essays by Shiba Ryotaro, English books such as The 'Da Vinch Code', 'Master of the Game'etc.

Personal Computer : Working hard to improve the operation skill in such as 'Excell', 'Word', etc.

Foreign Language other than English :
Tried to touch widely in variety but very shallowly each such as German, Greek, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean except for French (once speaking very limitedly to a minimum use; reading fairly with a dictionary) and Arabic (once speaking very poorly broken Egyptian direct).

Drinking : Some beer and sake daily at dinner. No smoking.

Supporting : Hanshin Pro-baseball team as an enthusiastic fan (my wife, also)

Member of Japan Guide Association; also, Japanese Word Origin Research Society of Japan,also, Kyoto's Place Name Study Society
Translation Work Co-translated "Utamaro" by S.Kikuchi, in Hoikusha Color Books Series
Printed Articles Word Origin Reserchers' Half-Yearly "Word Origin Study" #43, #44, #45, #46 carry my articles each titled :
'Study of the words on the same orbit line and those starting with 'A' sound',
'White and Black',
'DNA of Words and Search for brothers of Japanese language',
'Original Japanese Words deriving from Three Different Language Streams'
Qualifications Official Licensed Guide (English) Reg. No.EN-00323
Successor of First Grade Test by Society for Testing English Proficiency (1979)